After four days now I somewhat feel better. It was terrible four days. I was not able to watch televisions due to headache. Not able to use my Computer. Thanks to my Mother. Not able to read (Hey!! I’m not illiterate nor blind). The thing I was missing most was my blog. Somehow I’m getting used to it and have to post here. At least visit once otherwise I feel uncomfortable.
Though I logged in for a short while yesterday it was for a short while. I thought of posting but i didn’t. I couldn’t. When I browse sites and blog I subscribe I can see many things happened in these three days. It will take some time to read through those blogs and the news clippings. I like to be aware of the happenings around me. It keeps me fresh and updated.
The interview I missed yesterday is on Saturday. I hope my voice clear ups by today evening. That way i can inform them about my status. That reminded me of my cell phone. When I looked at it it’s switched off. Damn…… Battery down. These days I hardly take any phone or make calls. Talks are mostly professional based only. Like those Desperate Housewives I am Desperate for a job..
Think Nonsense…