Four days back I saw this movie. The name of the movie was 10000 B.C. The movie was ok and I had good time. But in order to make “Happy Endings” the story lost it’s charm. Would have been an ideal end for the movie. Though you always have “Happy Endings” if you take it in different perspective. (Hmmmm. I’ve started to use heavy words. Just to make the post heavy. Don’t mind them). This post is not about this movie. But about my blog.
Yesterday I achieved the first milestone. I got 10000 hits to my blog. No cheating nothing. I don’t have to tell that because it’s been six month for those hits. Anywhere else it would have been much more till now. It doesn’t make a difference to me. I’m really happy to achieve this. Just a psychological win that will make me dip deeper.
I had announced a contest on entrecard for the person who hits 9999. I knew that would happen today. Here is the screenshot of the person who was the winner. He commented as chato and is a good cartoonists I suppose.
The day before yesterday I was about to upgrade my blog. But my uncle came to stay at our house. I was happy but had to sleep early and shutdown PC. So was unable to upgrade. Today when I was ready to upgrade, there was some problem with server router. My site was inaccessible in some parts. So the upgrade is still in queue.
After this much hits, I’m ready to make some changes to my blog. They’ll be as and when I get lots of free time. Thanks to all the readers all around the world for reading nonsense and helping to achieve this.
Think Nonsense…
Best of luck
I watch originals only. So it takes a while to watch them. Till the dvdrips appear in torrents :p
COngrats buddy for those hits … and congrats to CHATO too
and hey its a good movie .. its long time now when i saw this movie but an awesome one it was
Nice one dude…. But unfortunately i missed that 10000 hit.. Fine i will try to be there in the 15000 hit….