For the last whole week I was offline and busy in festival activities. So that is another Tuesday with almost no readings. I am just trying to read and complete the blog subscriptions. They are good and readable to keep me updated. But hardly there is something which is worth a mention. I was just about to close this post by writing above excuse till…..
I read this blog for every update. One of the best one’s in my subscription list. This post about What is Signposting is another best. It tells us some very simple ways of signposting which will make conversation easy to follow to the listener. There is not much effort involved and I’ll be practicing it straight away.
The second is a blog which I skip sometimes. Just because as it said in the post it writes much about food. How to write a popular blog post is a post where I thought I’ll get some tips from him. It turned out to be a different one but it’s enjoyable. Now I am looking forward whether the author sticks to his blog or uses “sex and money” to promote.
Just two posts for this week. I’ll try to fill this gap next Tuesday. I’ll make this post popular by tagging it with words “sex and money” :angel: