That is an out of the world checklist. Do you ever forget to clean some parts while taking a bath? For me it’s not possible. I never thought of such things. Just nonsense….
Month: October 2008
What is the color of Jesus??
I have started digging and am doing it seriously. It’s a great way to get some good stuff and good friends also. Almost all bloggers know what is the power of digg and what it can do to your blog. So some crap(including the contents of my blog) is digged into this network. The best way to get noticed is to create controversies. I hate the ones which are really unnecessary. Here is one of them.
While digging across I found this story. I was stunned. How can one make a survey of such thing?? They didn’t had any other question?? Why color of Jesus? Why god is also pulled into this “color” thing? I am a Hindu by religion and have faith in god. At the same time I think there is only one god above all religions. It hurts when someone tries to differentiate it based on color.
There are 33 crore god characters in my religion. Everyone has something unique. Some are black, some are blue, some are “white”. But they are praised with just the feeling to pray. The reason to pray may be different. Till date I never heard of single incidence where there was an argument like “Lord Krishna is white and not blue” or “Goddess Kali is not black”. We have fear for our god and that may be the reason behind this.
This is really cheap publicity just to create controversies and get hits. Such cheap things should be stopped. Unknowingly I digged this article instead of burying. Now i am thinking of creating controversies on current hot topics. How about a controversial link between Barack obama and Sarah Palin?? That will sell like a hot cake. Someone do it. Let me be clean.
If at the end of this post you are stil thinking of what color is Jesus then close your eyes and let your heart see him.
What are you thinking of??
Are you thinking of doing this test? May be you should. That would help defining idiot more precisely. I want to do this test but I forget to carry five dollar. My currency is different you know.
Good marketing technique
The picture you are looking at is not just a sofa but it is a car also. Probably advertising for sofa dot com. After reading this you’ll probably head upto sofa dot com. There are 99% chances of that. Just thought of sharing this picture from an e-mail. This looks to be a good example of how to do marketing of your stuff.
Same result Different reason
It happens that the process is different but the end result turns out to be the same. Just like the picture above. We don’t care about the process. We want something and a we know is that we want that. It doesn’t matter how it is achieved. We want success at any cost. The difficult way is difficult but steady and slow. The easy way is easy and fast but it may not be sure always. It is up to you to choose.