Raining in May

It rained today. Unlike the showers in the Feb-March, this looks to be pre monsoon showers. It was really getting hot here. I was dying due to heat. It was really difficult to get out and feel the sun. But this shower for added a cooling sensation. It rained for about half an hour and now it has stopped. But it certainly brought the temperature down.

This is normal period or time for monsoon showers. They usually come during this time only. I hope these are pre monsoon showers. Somehow I have a strange fear that rains will behave very unexpectedly  this year. It did same last year. Rains were unexpected last year. They used to disappear for some days and all collective rain quota for those days used to shower on one day. This created flood situations.

I’ll have to rush to my uncles farm for some forest fruits of summer. Else when rain starts those fruits disappear. I’ve planned to go on Saturday. Lets hope rains don’t interrupt and I’ve some fun there.

Changing Thoughts

After loosing my job no. 4, I said my mind is like a butterfly. It is. The thoughts just change within a fraction of seconds. Although that may be a good sign as a writer or a poet. But certainly an Engineer should not have such mind. When you are professional it’s best to concentrate on one thing. But somehow I’ve lost that in past few months.

The thoughts range from good ones to bad ones. Like the Butterfly who sometimes get a good flower and sometimes a bad one. I try to stamp the good thoughts. Some of them just stick and come out on this blog. Yeah of course they come out as nonsense. But the bad thoughts many times just stick. I never try to save them. They just stick as if there is a magnet which attracted them.

It’s not wise to say your bad thoughts. Unlike Butterflies which always symbols good, At least they do so for me, Thoughts cannot always be good. Having a mind like a Butterfly is just the frequent change in thoughts. If you have read my posts from beginning you’ll notice that. There may be some contradictions in thoughts. You may point them out. But remember that you are trying to make sensible comment on nonsense.

Think Nonsense…

Ubuntu 8.04

As I told you guys about 17th May being an offline day for me. I had free time and so i tried somethings. I wanted to make sure that the connection problem is not because of me or the hardware. So I decided to check the connection on Linux. Just few days ago I had downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 CD. I thought of giving it a try.


I popped in the CD into the drive and booted using that drive. The CD is Live CD. You can try Linux without installing it on your Hard disk. So to be on safer side I chose that option. It took some time to load the OS. There was lot of spinning sound from the drive. The spinning sound was just freaking. It used to be loud a moment and quiet the next moment.
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