This is one of the things I am trying to achieve.(Stress on the word achieve). You need to get serious in your life in order to succeed. These are the words of my parents and respectable elders. This holds true all around the world. Nice to know about the things binding the whole world as one or the common things which I am unaware of.
I have changed drastically in last 2-3 years. I was North pole before that and now I have become South pole. It is the same me but there is a widened curve on my face. Most of us call it smile. This smile is now a trouble to me. Now start laughing at me. Seriously.. Seriously… Nobody takes me seriously. I was enjoying this for all the time because of getting new friends. But now I want to be serious.
Whenever, Wherever (Nice song by Shakira. One of my favorites. She is awesome in shaking her …..) I go there is a burst of laughter. Everybody who knows me gives me a smile and greets me. Actually that is how you greet someone. But this smile is a bit different. It is for the person who brings smile on their face. It’s actually not for me as a whole person. It’s just for a part of me.
Many time it has happened that I used the sentence, “No I am not kidding. I am serious.” and there has been laughter after mimicking my sentence. At times it was pretty embarrassing also. The easy to go nature gets me pass through the situation. Otherwise frequently repeating scenes like these would have put me in deep psychological trouble. I would have lost my mental balance. (You think I have lost it??)
Is it necessary to be serious in your life to get success?? Isn’t it possible with an always smiling face? I wonder how the famous humor writers, stand up comedians or simply comedians get serious in their life. He is serious about humor. Isn’t that ironical?
Till I get serious…
Think Nonsense…