Pain… is very painful. huh… Especially when someone close to you departs. You do everything possible to stop, but that person leaves you. Leaves you forever. That’s something you can’t do anything about. That’s what life is. It is very ruthless, ugly and yet beautiful. That’s supposed to be the greatest irony.
I have a friend whose name is Vijay. A cheerful, jolly person with a loud voice and thin body. Just like me. We met recently and I didn’t knew much about him. Today he started to open some pages of his life and I was surprised. He’s got five brothers including him and a sister. That’s a big family and he was the only person on whom the whole family depended until recently his brothers got jobs. After things got settled he married a year back.
What surprised me was that he had a twin brother. The had part surprised.. well shocked me. His name was Ajay. Both the brothers were exact copy. It was difficult to recognize them if they stood by side. Ajay married a couple of months earlier than Vijay. His wife gave birth to a baby boy. He was very happy and he planned his 1st birthday to be celebrated in a grand way. At this stage everything was going good. But they say… “When everything is going good, prepare for something really bad.”
That happened. Ajay was getting some headaches and was on medicines. When the headaches started recurring he underwent some more tests and found positive for Cancer. He never smoked, never got drunk. Still… His last five months went in great pain. He felt like dying but never did. After five painful months, it was over. All these months Vijay was close to his brother. There is something strange about twins. They are connected in a way no one can understand. No one will understand. He spent almost all of his life’s savings on his brother. They were not sufficient to save his brother.
If it was not his brother then Vijay planned for a bigger house and a car. There were dreams he thought of. He was almost there to fulfill them. Destiny. It’s all written there. Maktub.
We are humans and emotions make our lives. Love is the most dominant one. This made Vijay spend his dreams to save his brothers life. Even though he knew that Ajay would die for sure, He wanted to try. There was hope. I wonder where these emotions come from? They are great boost. Sometimes they force us to be unexpected, unbelievable. Would you spend your life’s saving on someone who is dying? No. You won’t unless that person is close to you.
The twins are disconnected now. Life moves on…
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