Messy Room

My room is messy. I have written about this earlier. And I love it that way many times. Except when some guests are coming then I’ve to clean it. :love: Now I keep it dirty to save my time. See how it’s done. You can treat this as a time saving technique. Make a note of it and follow it so that you get more time to enjoy.

For instance, When I return to house after some shopping or from friends house or from anywhere, I throw my things in some places. Like my watch on the fridge. That’s not a place for the watch. My cap on a cupboard in another room. That may be a right place for a cap. My mobile usually finds a place on chair in the third room or sometimes on the table. But keeping it on table is very rare. Now just to answer you curiosity, no one sits on that chair because that chair is honorable place for a book or two.That may be a novel I bought from the library or a book related to my field. Continue reading →

Something about Health

Health.. Most of us ignore this word while going after wealth. Is this wealth more important?? What is the use of money if you are not fit to spend it?? I will run for money to have a girlfriend. And in this process loose my weight and may be fall sleep. And I loose my girlfriend 🙁 . So be healthy. That is what important. There are few easy things which you can follow to stay fit. There is no need of much effort. I know you are lazy person. But the things I’ll ask you to do will never spoil your “being lazy” reputation. It won’t even take much time of your life. And you’ll still be healthy and fit. If you want to be more healthy and fit get a good health adviser.

The first thing is to drink at least 2 liters of water. Your 70% of body is of water. How about a supply in drought areas?? Your body looses water through sweat and urine. An you need to add this to have a balance. Some of it is gained through fruits, food and some drinks. But nothing is good as pure water. If you are lazy and don’t perspire much you still need that water.

Do a respiration exercise every morning. It’s very difficult to get up early for you after being high all the night. Give a try. Breath in an out for 3-4 minutes. Make sure when you breath in the air goes to lungs and your chest expands not your already bulging out tummy. This way you provide good amount of oxygen to body. It keeps you fresh. Do it in mornings as there is less pollution. Better if you do it out in nature rather than the AC room. Continue reading →


Almost all of us hate to clean our room. We want someone else to do it for us. The reason for this is still unknown. Those who are searching a topic for Ph.D can start with this. The result of this can be really helpful in understanding the similarity between peoples. This is one of the things that unites all world into one.

And there are some who do clean the room. But when they are about to go on vacation or the room will be closed for a while. The time they return, they want their room to look clean. The logic behind this is a mystery. May be another topic for Ph.D. I gave two genuine topics for the Ph.D. students. Shouldn’t they appreciate and thank me?? I’m expecting at least one reply regarding this. Continue reading →


When you are in trouble you need advice. And you should get one from an experienced person. Especially someone who have gone through that trouble earlier. It is indeed difficult to think about solutions when the trouble knocks you down. The one who survive is great. Otherwise you meet the failure.

How to choose an advisor?? I’ve to write in depth detailed post regarding that. This post is a salute to the advisor shown in picture. If you are a literate animal reading my blog, please do not eat the one who gives advice to you. It’s not ethical. It’s human things and no animal should do that.

Dog chicken and advisor

What advice do you think the dog is taking?? I think about his love problems. :love:


These three letters proceeded by a dot hide a lot of things. You have used this thousands of time knowingly or unknowingly. The things hidden varies according to the person, his work, problems etc. You see. Keep guessing what I hid behind this. It is one of the beautiful combination of letters.

I use this many times. While writing, while working, while having conversation etc. The beauty of this word is that you don’t know for what it is used. I use it sometimes to hide my lack of knowledge and lack of ability to complete or stretch a sentence. It is a word which many of us use to show others that you know a lot. But in real it may not be true.

Think of the last time you used this word. You’ll come to know why you are using this word. This adds automatically without your knowledge (most of the times) at the end of a sentence. It may turn out to be a kind of frustration if the number of times you use this word increases. You need to improvise in that area to avoid the use of this word.

I try to use it less as much as I can. But as said earlier it adds automatically. Now a days this word sometimes repeats itself to give a better value to a sentence. Like etc.etc.etc. I personally feel that wherever possible this word should be avoided. You loose your value after using this. That’s what I feel.

Now have I missed anything in this post?? Then.. etc.etc.etc. 😀

Think Nonsense…