A Better YOU

“Your task… to build a better world,” God said.

I answered, “How?… this world is such a large, vast place, and there’s nothing I can do.”

But God in all His wisdom said, “just build a better you.”

An obvious question to follow this conversation. Have you ever tried to build a better YOU? It’s very easy to teach someone good manners or inject good thoughts, but they are difficult to follow. A drunk man cannot advise anyone to NOT drink. Who will listen to him? Of course there are people who will take this. The reason is that they don’t want to end up as the person in front of them. But these are very rare cases.

You can’t spread joy unless you are happy.
You can’t spread positivity unless you are positive.
You can’t teach to fight unless you have fought first.
In fact, You can’t teach anything unless you know it well.
You can’t build a better human being unless you are one.

The Random Ramblings will continue..
Till then
Think Nonsense…

I Have Realized That…

I have realized that…

i have realized

Relationships are easy to sow but difficult to nurture.

If you listen to your heart you get pain, but you never regret it.

Silence answers questions which words cannot.

A broken heart is difficult to repair, But not impossible.

I am way better than others, But there are better than me.

Hard work always pays you, A bit late and with interest.

If it pains parting from someone,then you love that person.

Doing something you don’t want to do, doesn’t lead you anywhere.

You always have enough time if you want.

Friends are like stickers, they never leave you completely.

And if you talk too much philosophical you get punched in your face. :angel:

When My Friend Slapped Me

It was a dark night. Clock on my table telling me it’s 1:00 am. In past few months, this is my normal time to go to sleep. Especially after I was addicted to twitter. Thanks to my BSNL connection, I found a cure to this addiction. The positive side of sleeping late is that you fall asleep almost instantly. Otherwise I have to start a playlist of some selected “slow” songs.

Moments later I hear a sound of door being opened. Nah.. This can’t be. I make sure all doors and windows are closed before lying on bed. That’s because I hate to get up for any reason after that. Another sound of something falling on floor. I could hear my heart pumping blood. I switched on the night lamp. I saw my book shelf open and a book on the floor. That book started walking towards me. It jumped from the floor to my bed. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Totally shocked. My eyes and mouth open.
Book: Close your mouth. You have bad breath.
Me: (Closed my mouth) But I brushed three hours back.
Book: Then you don’t know to brush properly.
Me: look who is talking? A book with no teeth.
Book: Don’t argue with me. You are not good at arguing. And I have not come to give lessons on personal hygiene.
Me: Then what for?
Book: Do you remember me? Recognize me?
Me: Of course. You are the reason for my reading habit. The book that first changed my way of looking at the gray scale life.
Book: Did you forgot what you promised to yourself?
Me: What promise? Promises are meant to be broken.
Me: What the heck!! How dare you slap me?
Book: I have the right to do so. Now.. Do you remember your promise?
Me: Yes. I promised to myself that I’ll read at least two books a month. No excuses.
Book: Good. Then why you broke your promise? You haven’t read any book for last five months. You had a lot of spare time in these months.
Me: I couldn’t find a good book to read.
Book: (Another Slap) From when you started judging books? No book is good or bad. What matters is you take something from the book. Every book offers that “something”. Read a book you haven’t read. That’s all you have to do.
Me: Things have changed my friend. I cannot concentrate like I used to. Every time I start reading a book my mind starts exploring another world.
Book: And that is the reason you need to read books. You stopped trying and you have started giving up
easily. I cannot let that happen to you. I have just slapped you twice but if needed I’ll give you more.
Me: Ok. Ok. I understand. You could have explained that to me without slapping.
Book: I could have. But you don’t understand until you are slapped. Now I’ll go back to shelf. But I’ll return if you don’t keep the promised. This time I’ll come with “Theory of Structure – Ramamrutham”. Imagine him slapping you.
Me: OMG! I won’t forget this time. But just tell me one thing before you leave. Is this my imagination? Do I need a treatment or something? Coz look.. I am talking to a book.
Me: Everyone talk to books. What do you think they do when they are reading book? You call it reading but actually, you are talking to that book.
The book turns back. Jumps down to floor and again to the shelf. Door closes.

I pinched myself. It wasn’t a dream.

Finding signal in the noise

It was Sunday. I was driving through some remote areas. Got bored of listening to same songs from my USB drive. So I thought of tuning to FM. I selected the source as FM. What I don’t like about this Car stereo is that it doesn’t come with a manual. So I don’t know how to save these FM channels. Hence I pressed the search button.
It stopped and what I hear is noise. Try #2..
It stopped and noise again. Try #3..
It stopped. Some music with lot of noise in it. I fine tuned the channel and I get clear sound.

So what defines this noise? Consider above example. Till I hear a RJ or a song, whatever that falls on my eardrums is noise. Is that it? That is noise? I am a Rock fan but I don’t like Death Metal. It’s too loud and I consider it as noise. Similarly, anyone who doesn’t like Rock will consider it as noise. It’s unbearable to ears. I even heard someone saying, “They sell noise now a days unlike the music they used to sell in past”. I can only conclude that noise is undefined.

In a crowded market lot of signals come together and form noise. In such a place, a call from your friend is signal to you. Your reply is signal to your friend. But unknowingly you both contributed to noise. Our lives are crowded, Crowded heavily. We often misinterpret signal as noise. We never try to “fine tune” to get clear signal. Misunderstanding, differences, clashes are the results of lack of “fine tuning”.

Hey!!! that “thing” is broken. It’s not my fault. It’s not sending clear signals.
Yeah. That’s a good reason.

Noise always exists. When you don’t get a signal, you have noise. And when you get a signal, the noise is still there. Only thing is you are ignoring it.

Till you find the signal in noise…
Think Nonsense…

In The Summertime

It’s Summertime. The best time to spend in Goa. For most of the locales, it’s the time to fill their pockets for the rest of the year. Not just locales, but the people from the other states who have succeeded in invading the seashore business. Apart from seashore business, they have also progressed in crime scene in Goa. It’s a shame for Goans. They shouldn’t have allowed outsiders to top the crime scene at least.

There is no Law and Order in Goa. There is only Love and Disorder. Everyone gets his cut from the seashore business. The hierarchy is maintained. As long as your pockets are full, you don’t care about the happenings.

So I was on Baga beach. It’s the best beach to enjoy the sea. Enjoying my Sun bath, Sea bath and providing vital nutrients to my eyes by admiring the beauty. That’s the most important part for males. The beauty of a completely wet woman is difficult to describe. At least I cannot find the right words. Blame my English vocabulary  if you want. The foreigners are the highlights of beaches. Those who come to visit Goa, their intention is to watch the firangi bodies in bikinis or may be less than that. Well… These firangis help in the economic growth of Goa.
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