Changing Thoughts

After loosing my job no. 4, I said my mind is like a butterfly. It is. The thoughts just change within a fraction of seconds. Although that may be a good sign as a writer or a poet. But certainly an Engineer should not have such mind. When you are professional it’s best to concentrate on one thing. But somehow I’ve lost that in past few months.

The thoughts range from good ones to bad ones. Like the Butterfly who sometimes get a good flower and sometimes a bad one. I try to stamp the good thoughts. Some of them just stick and come out on this blog. Yeah of course they come out as nonsense. But the bad thoughts many times just stick. I never try to save them. They just stick as if there is a magnet which attracted them.

It’s not wise to say your bad thoughts. Unlike Butterflies which always symbols good, At least they do so for me, Thoughts cannot always be good. Having a mind like a Butterfly is just the frequent change in thoughts. If you have read my posts from beginning you’ll notice that. There may be some contradictions in thoughts. You may point them out. But remember that you are trying to make sensible comment on nonsense.

Think Nonsense…

Mules Think Positive

A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule.The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule ‘braying’- or- whatever mules do when they fall into wells.After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving.

Instead, he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened…and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery. Initially, the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back…a thought struck him.

It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back…


This he did, blow after blow.

Shake it off and step up…

shake it off and step up…

shake it off and step up!

He repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or distressing the situation seemed the old mule fought panic and just kept right on


You’re right!

It wasn’t long before the old mule, battered and exhausted,


What seemed like would bury him, actually blessed him…
all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.
That’s Life!
If we face our problems and respond to them positively,
and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity…


So better to be like a mule. My father used to say me donkey every now and then. Now he doesn’t say that to me. Else I would have been proud that I’m donkey. Donkeys and mules are almost same.

Think Nonsense….


This is an odd issue. The place where I work have a small security room where the workers gather when they don’t have work. And as usual they gathered but a different topic was started. India is known for the saints and holy priests. There are thousands of those who have turned this country into spiritual country. The guy who started the topic didn’t believe any “baba”. Here “baba” is a saint. He calls all of them as fraud.

Personally I too don’t believe in them. I believe in GOD. But are all the “baba” fraud?? The answer is no. There are some of them who have devoted their life to GOD in return of nothing but peace of mind. May be not that also. They just want to act as a bridge between GOD and you. But the number of such is outnumbered by the fraud ones. And that’s the bitter truth. Continue reading →

End of Job No. 4

Sometimes I wonder what kind of person I am?? Do I know what I want?? That sometime usually occurs when I end my job. And today was that day. I joined this contractor a month ago. The salary was fixed on first day. He agreed on it and I was happy too. The job site was not far from my house. Around 2 Km may be. I was able to have my lunch at home during the lunch time. And was doing great.

There were site problems. The labors were not skilled. I was expecting that they will know something. But I was having hard time explaining everything more than 2-3 times. But I didn’t mind that. That was my job. I had to look in for everything and due to simultaneous locations I was unable to concentrate on one thing. And there were some mistakes made.

As a professional I took my responsibility for them. But soon whatever used to happen was pulled on me. I was working harder and harder to make things right. Actually I was loving the amount of troubles I was getting. That may sound weird but true. That makes me feels that I’m doing something. And all was going well for me till yesterday which was salary day. I was shocked when I didn’t receive the salary fixed. He held me responsible for some problems and told me that I’m not worth that much. And that hurts!! that really hurts man!!!

I couldn’t control my feelings and left the job. My heart says I did the right thing. Since I’m mindless there is no question of that. But there is something in my head which makes me think. I don’t know what it is. That thing asks me question. Did i did the right thing?? My heart is like a butterfly I feel. It’s not stable and keeps moving from one flower to another. But the sudden drop of this job created something called frustration in me. And I’m trying to take it out. I’m searching for a good FPS to do the killing.

Now in search of next job…
Thanks for reading my nonsense. I had to express it to someone…

Think Nonsense….

Some Rest

Today is Holiday. 1st May is Workers Day and so the workers should get some rest. Isn’t it?? It’s on this day I come to know that I’m a worker. Otherwise I feel that I’m still a student hungry for knowledge. Now a days the workload is too much and I don’t have time to breathe. It’s amazing how I live without breathing.

The same type of work with no twists and turns makes me boring. The twists and turns are only from the Boss side. Almost like in any office I too get fired for no reason. Sometimes this makes me think that “Am I paid to digest this sort of firing?” the answer comes as No always. But the problem remains as is.

So today is the day I’ll be having break from this. For one day ofcourse. You must be saying there is one more day known as Sunday. But there is no charm of a paid holiday in that. It’s like my right and the holidays like today are my bonus. Haven’t planned for the day. But I’ll be looking into my old dumped .net project which I’ve not touched due to this job.

Would be good if something different happens and I have a great time today.

Think Nonsense…