Picture of “Stupid”

When you know you are in a place where you can become breakfast, lunch or dinner of some creature, You take your time in front of camera for pose.  I was searching for stupid and I found this kid. The shark behind got a kid to satisfy his appetite.


Healthy Tip : If you are fed up with your life and think it’s useless, go to the above place and give a pose. You’ll help a shark to live more and you’ll die in style.

Till you think you are not stupid
Think Nonsense…

Dreams For Success

You have seen  some aspects of dreams earlier in this series. Now the final part. There is no final part for dreaming. They are endless and there is nothing stopping dreams. But this is the fourth and final post in the series. This part of the dreaming is the most important one and brings a lot of positive changes.These are the dreams which we see for success. Not just for ours but for others or may be for country or may be for the whole world.

These dreamers are one of the most successful peoples around you. They not only see dreams but work on them and try to make them come to life. These dreams have an high impact on the person. They make sense or may be not but they make that person move forward towards the path of success. Once such dream comes which wakes them. But the dream still remains. That is because they work towards fulfilling their dreams.

Often one such dream brings along with him another. And then another. This chain continues and the person becomes successful. He makes success as his habit. Are you one of these? Ask yourself. Do you see dreams that help you to move forward? Inspire you? Then you are one of the persons who will surely succeed.The hiccups at the start are normal. When you try to make your dreams come to life you’ll always have troubles. They may be a hell lot of troubles.

But don’t forget or ignore the dreams you have started working on. Success is not easy thing. It has to come through the hard way. The tough way. So don’t let your dreams die. Ignore everyone who makes a fool of you for your dreams. One day they will realize who was and who is the fool. Remember dreams are not just the ones you see during your sleep, But dreams are those which doesn’t let you sleep.

Till you fullfil your dreams…
Think Nonsense…

Species :- Bookworm

Kingdom: Animalia

Height: Ranges between 5″ – 6″.

Build: Thin and easily vulnerable to any kind of attack. Delicate species so please handle with care.

Weight: Since they are thin, it ranges from 30-60 kg.

Identification Marks: Easy to recognize as they wear thick glasses. Evolution haven’t affected their eyesight which should have improved by adaptation. When not wearing glasses, can be identified by dark circles around eyes.

Class: Always full attendance. Normally sits in front row.

Color: Varies. Becomes Pink or faint Red when in contact with the member of opposite sex.

Location: Other than class they can be found in the nearest library or their favorite food center which is often called “The Book Store”. Now due to the advancement in technology they are also found in front of Computer eating virtual version of their food called e-books.

Living area: Their living area is often called as Lab or Library. Typically you’ll find it filled with their favorite food (The books…).

Characteristics: Highly emotional and totally unsocial. They don’t speak much and lack one of the beautiful characteristics of their major species called smile. But if they take part in any social activity they become the cause of humor. Their dressing sense is “horrible” as termed by the major species. Clothes are loose and always go against the trend. Their wardrobe is filled of books rather than clothes.

If found, please try to socialize them.
Issued in public interest by International Bookworm Society.

The Power of Gas

The long awaited dream of man to fly comes true. Man always under-estimated the power of gas. Someday he had to realize that power. that day is here. Three cheers to technology.


Tongue Is Faster Than Mind

Human body is an unsolved mystery as it is formed of some mysterious parts. More importantly there is lot of variety in these parts and hence everyone is unique person. Even the identical twins are not identical. Each of them are unique. There is at least one part which doesn’t turn out to be similar.

Just like our eyes, nose, ears, skin the fifth part which aids in our knowledge is our tongue. Without this we want be able to speak. We want be able to taste. Just eating doesn’t help. When you get pleasure of eating, it doubles effectiveness of whatever you are eating. There won’t be any hotels and restaurants if tongue doesn’t function the way it is now. Thanks to the evolution.

Get the F*** out of here you son of a bi**h. Surprised!!! Every good thing has it’s bad points as well. So does our tongue. It helps you to taste the best things in the world. That surely relives you and makes you happy. It keeps you away from the bad taste. Before you take anything inside it passes through the tongue. That’s because tongue knows what’s good and what’s bad. It warns you if you are about to intake junk. What do you do? You ignore it’s warning let that junk be a part of yourself.

The result shows up on your tongue. You spit out some rubbish like what I said a few lines back. Especially when you are angry. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Till you realize what you have said, It’s already late. Arrow is released and you can stop it. I cannot force, I cannot preach you to control your anger. Instead I’ll point you to Giraffe. A normal Giraffe has a 18-20 inches long tongue. What he uses it for? To pick up leaves from the thorny trees. What we do?

Don’t ask for a longer tongue. Then you won’t be human.
Till you have a tongue…
Think Nonsense…