When I wake up in the morning one of the firsts is a visit to the toilet. You cannot neglect nature’s call. Out of the seven billion peoples in the world, very few are not called by nature. Nature doesn’t like to see their faces every morning. Because of that you can say toilet is an important part of our lives. Gone are the days of shitting in nature. Though you still find many in India every morning. So we are still with nature. No one today can even think of shitting in nature.
As time is precious these days, like those of executives, managers, ministers, dancers, actors etc. etc., No one likes to waste it in silly thing. Such busy people hate nature’s call. Since they have no other option, they have to find the path to the toilet. Luckily, they have high class toilets which common man dreams of. Common man wants to live in their toilet and these anti-nature bodies don’t like to visit it. I wonder why they build toilets with expensive accessories.
You realize the importance of toilet when you are holding it for a long time with no toilet access. You find a toilet,release it and attain nirvana. I wish all those who think bad things about me face such situation every now and then. It’s far better then giving a bad word. To my dismay, there is a solution now. This solution solves all the problems of anti-nature bodies and the bad guys I talked two sentences back. This is a new invention and its called “The Wearable Toilet”.

Read it again and again and you read it right. ( Sorry for the Japanese language. I don’t know to read…
) This will solve problems of many. I am not one of them. This little toilet detects when you have excreted and sucks the waste and cleans you. It also removes the shit-smell and odor from farts. This is really good for Internet addicts and gamers. No need to leave PC. It will take some time to come out in market. All anti-toilet peoples can dream of this from today onwards. Are you one of them??
Till that toilet comes…
Think Nonsense…