I don’t like dawgs

Oops. Spelling mistake. I wanted to write dogs. Search engine will like that. :p Getting to the point, I don’t like dogs. They are good when they are friend with me. Otherwise they keep running after me. Especially the pet dogs. There is a saying in Hindi which means “Every dog is a lion in his area”. It is true. I am not afraid of lions. That’s because I never faced them. 😀 But these dogs are dangerous.

On the other side I like dogs when they are puppies. The cute looking and very friendly innocent puppies. They remember the smell of a person. So if I go after sometime they’ll not run after me. They know I am a good boy. So whenever there is a new pet in your neighborhood just go and be friend with the pet. That way you are sure that he’ll not be after you. Precaution is better than cure. Continue reading →

It’s Raining Man

It is raining heavily here. There is a flood like situation from the morning. There was a long break taken by the rain god and now he is fresh and working heavily. Rains almost disappeared till last 7-8 days. It has been raining moderately till today. I was happy to see the rains back as it cools down everything and brings life into things.

The alarm has been sounded three times since morning. This year there are some precautionary measures being taken in order to fight the floods. There are lifeboats standing in nearby police station. The alarm is also a new introduction in the system. Although to the best of my knowledge there was no information given about the use of alarms. There are many who will be unaware of it’s use.

Yesterday coming from my site there was rain. Due to the rain throughout the day there was beatiful climate. It was cool and soothing. I usually listen to music on my N72 when there is no friend to talk with in the bus. Some beautiful songs were being played and I flowed away into them. Then I thought of getting wet in the rain. Just when the bus stopped I walked out without opening my umbrella. Wowwwww!! I was feeling the rains. With the music still playing and my phone too enjoying the rain I walked towards my home. Continue reading →

The Øblog

And here comes the Sunday with another review of a blog. The blog I am talking about is The Øblog. It has a different name and I am still unaware of the meaning of the title. To the best of my knowledge the symbol resembles to a mathematical symbol which is normally used to represent the diameter of a circle. I usually don’t forget things related to maths as I was known to be good at maths. Well.. They say 😉

The author of the blog is Øyvind. And that is another unusual name. After searching a bit I found that that’s a symbol in Danish, Faeroese and Norwegian languages. The domain name suggests where he is from. I checked the about page for some details about the author. Now how old is that guy?? :whistle: Continue reading →

Eye Shaped Camera

Human eye is one of the best creations and it’s one of the best part of our body. The best part varies from person to person. The news is about an eye shaped camera which resembles human eye. It was successfully designed by the US scientists using standard sensor materials. Looking at the picture it looks to be an ideal solution for bionic eye.

Eye shaped camera

This is a great boon to those who are blind. This breakthrough should help them to see this beautiful world again. The scientists have said that this could be well used for an artificial retina. I don’t have to tell you how important is this retina for our eyes. It is first time that the camera is demonstrated on curved surface to make it look like human eye. Picture tells us how successful the attempt is.

The surface may well look curved but is made up of very small squares. These tiny squares hold the photo detectors and electronic components. The squares are connected to each other with tiny wires which help the squares to mould into curve surface. It is difficult task to mount the circuit boards on curved surface as they come only in flat shape. The above solution helped to mount the components without breaking them.

Another good use of it may be in the robots. Current generation robots could be improved to a great extent with the use of this eye shaped camera. They will also resemble human beings more precisely. Only time will tell us where this ground breaking invention will lead us. Till that time comes you can keep reading my blog and..

Think Nonsense…


This post contains nothing. It’s posted just to be a part of an event that takes once in in a millennium. The time is now 08/08/08 @ 08:08:08. And that’s something you’ll not be able to see again. If you have missed it then just be a part of this topic. There is no other use of this topic. By the way, you can get this time twice in millennium if your watch is 12 hour based. If your watch is 24 hour based then you’ll get 20:08.

Choose the one you want. In the day or in night. I’ll try to be at both times.

Think Nonsense…