Are you yoga fan?? Do you do yoga?? There this “aasan” or position called “Shirshasan” where you have to upside down. Your head is at bottom and legs at top. All the load of your body is carried by your head. I used to do it many times earlier but my touch with yoga is gone and now I cannot do that “aasan”. It is really difficult to train your part of body which is not supposed to do that.
When you are upside down, you see everything upside down. This line is for those who didn’t understand the first paragraph. When I used to do it earlier there was a watch hung on the wall infront of me. That was the day I came to know importance of time. But I always neglected it till entering my professional life. The clock ticks slowwwwwwly and makes you to say some bad words. The five minutes exercise takes 10 minutes or more than that there. Continue reading →