Long back there was this song which made me dance and laugh. It was similar to the song from The Lion King. This is just the Hindi version of the song. I am yet to watch that movie. I tried and tried to get my hands on it. A couple of months ago I even found the links. But I lost them. I am moving away from VCD’s, so it’s difficult to get them at rental. I live in a place where DVD is an alien. :alien: You have DVD player and you don’t know what is DVD or what are it’s advantages. Lets’ not drift to that.
Back to Hakuna Matata. I have tried many times to get this song. The Hindi version of course. Though I haven’t seen the movie, I love Timon and Pumba. Very funny characters. There was an animated series on these characters and I used to watch it. Those cartoons had some really ROFL comedy. I loved the craziness and the stupidity. The song I am talking about contains the same elements. It is crazy.
At that time I didn’t knew from which language the words “Hakuna Matata” came from. According to that song it means “No need to worry” or “There are no worries”. The first time I heard that song I was in class seventh. The song is sing by Baba Sehgal and Anaida. Baba Sehgal is famous Indian rapper(I call them rapist as they rape the song most of the times). It’s been months I have been searching for the song.
I understood the meaning of song back then. That’s why I am trying to find out what level of intelligence is required to understand a song. I was an intelligent boy at that time. :face: Studies ruined me. Almost everyday i waste 20-30 minutes in search of this song. I’ll get it I know that. No need to worry. It is one of those songs which makes my worries go away.
Hakuna Matata…