Home Sweet Home

My weekends for last couple of months are turning out to be delightful. There’s a party, a movie night, Get together or be it a book. There’s always some new experience. And as McDonald says, I’m lovin’ it.
So this weekend started with two movies. Home Sweet Home, a Konkani movie and I, a Tamil movie.
First it was Home Sweet Home. The movie was released during Christmas time and I was yet to watch it. Twice I made plans and they failed at the last moment. But today, Maybe luck was on my side. I maybe the last person in Goa to watch this movie. But I watched it. (#AchievementUnlocked)

The movie revolves around John and Raj. (Chuck it yaar. You can’t even get creative at names? Same typical names from Hindi movies? Duh.) Moving on.. John is an NRI(like most of the Goan youth who don’t get past matriculation) who returns to Goa. Correction. Deported to Goa. He now wants to go back to his house (named Home Sweet Home), marry a girl and live happily ever after. Sounds like typical Goan. But his plans vanish in air when he discovers that his house has been replaced by a three storied building. It’s a magic trick, Courtesy of a builder named Shah. The rest of the movie is about how John puts up a fight with the builder to punish him for destroying his house and his dreams.

home sweet home
The problem with local movies is that they don’t get enough funding and they turn out to be movies made on handycam. This one is different. Decent amount has been spent on making this movie on par with mainstream cinema. Well.. Other than the cheap name for production house. Go Goa Gollywood. Really?? Are you effing kidding me? Why did you borrow a name from some cheap movie? (Go Goa Gone. If you fail to recall)

What I liked about the movie was a fresh cast. Most of the faces were new. At least for me. The story  is “hutke”. It deals with the problems of common Goans. When was the last time you saw someone make a film on this? (Oh right. Rakhtayug). Opening song is catchy. I need to grab it somehow. Just that song. The camera work is good apart from repetitive shots towards climax.
What I didn’t like about the movie was a rather dull second half. Throughout the movie, there are monotonous conversations. Long pauses where you want to stand up from your seat and scream “Kitem tari ulay mare C#$&$#%=&a”. And that reminds me of another thing I didn’t like. The swearing. Sometimes it’s muted and sometimes it isn’t. What the heck?? And on top of it is the ending. I’ll rather not talk about it.

But said so, I liked this attempt. Commendable effort by the whole team. I wish them good luck for the sequel (Oops! Does that count as spoiler?) May that film turn out to be better than this.  8/10 for Home sweet home.

In The Summertime

It’s Summertime. The best time to spend in Goa. For most of the locales, it’s the time to fill their pockets for the rest of the year. Not just locales, but the people from the other states who have succeeded in invading the seashore business. Apart from seashore business, they have also progressed in crime scene in Goa. It’s a shame for Goans. They shouldn’t have allowed outsiders to top the crime scene at least.

There is no Law and Order in Goa. There is only Love and Disorder. Everyone gets his cut from the seashore business. The hierarchy is maintained. As long as your pockets are full, you don’t care about the happenings.

So I was on Baga beach. It’s the best beach to enjoy the sea. Enjoying my Sun bath, Sea bath and providing vital nutrients to my eyes by admiring the beauty. That’s the most important part for males. The beauty of a completely wet woman is difficult to describe. At least I cannot find the right words. Blame my English vocabulary  if you want. The foreigners are the highlights of beaches. Those who come to visit Goa, their intention is to watch the firangi bodies in bikinis or may be less than that. Well… These firangis help in the economic growth of Goa.
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It’s holiday time

After the Diwali festival some days are still left. In most parts of India this is Diwali vacation time. So the tourist season starts from here. Though I live in a place which is 365 days on holidays, officially the government says this month as the start of the tourist season. Forget the government. It’s not a topic we should talk much about.

For the last few season there is increase in number of tourists from parts other of India. I can say that personally also as I have seen more Indian tourists on beaches than the foreign in some places. Fortunately or unfortunately it is the beaches which is the attraction for all tourists. There are many other places in Goa which are worth seeing.

As a tourist you should make sure you have good accommodation. You should book rooms before coming to Goa. It is relay difficult to get them when you visit in tourist season. Almost all hotels will run full. You may then have to lookout for some cheap motels. That can leave a bad taste about Goa in your memories. So book your rooms in advance.

Just to help you people, I am listing a list of websites that can help you. Internet is a great means to find a hotel without visiting.

Travel Go Goa : Focuses mainly on hotels in Goa. It also gives some extra information about history, heritage, art and culture of Goa. You might like to read this before you go.

Hotels Goa India : Another one mainly focuses on Goan hotels. Nicely categorized into five star, four star and so on it is easy to find hotel based on  star. It also lists some nice  hotel packages.

Hotels Combined : This is one of the best. To be precise it is the best. It enlists almost 250 hotels in Goa. That is quiet a lot to choose from. There are user ratings which means other users rate the hotels based on their experience. It gives you cost of room per night just aside the hotel. There is map where you can locate the hotel and find the route. Also it lists some features of the hotel you’ll stay. You can sort based on Price, User rating, Names and stars. This website not only lists hotels just from Goa but around the Globe. It is like one stop and look nowhere else.

Yatra Travels : This is one of the leading traveling agencies in India. They have variety of packages not just for Goa but in other places of India and around the world. As they say “Smarter way to travel” they have made things easy for tourists by providing good amount of information through their website. As for Goa you can find hotels in Goa here.

I hope that will make things easy for you to travel in Goa. Enjoy your holiday in Goa. And if you would like to meet me, just drop in a message here. I’ll try to meet. :love:

P.S. : You may be interested in reading this topic about me. Some photos from Goa.

Have you heard of Goa??

It’s the place where I live. :woot: Shocked??? May be or may not not be. But there must be at least one who will have this question in his\her mind. How come such a stupid person be in the coolest place in world?? Sorry to disappoint you. But that’s where I live. And believe me it’s really a nice place to live. I’ve been living here since the day I was united into 23+23 chromosomes. (I’m weak in Biology. Correct the number if I’m wrong.)

I’m writing this today because my blog completed five months. It’s six months for me. I worked hard (????) :whistle: for about a month, that was in January, to learn about blogging and gathering content. When I started the blog, I had enough content to post for one and half month. I used all means to put this blog forward. And after five months of blogging, now I can write about anything in just a matter of minutes.

I’ve learned the art to write (I was illiterate 🙁 ). How to write a post given a topic. That is what matters to keep your blog alive. Reading is the most essential part. Keep reading, especially other blogs. That will give you some ideas. Don’t copy them but use them. But write in your own words. Continue reading →