
Imitating someone may not be a good choice. Most of the time though. Why to imitate someone and loose yourself. Take the example in photo. The front cover model needs to be swapped with this one. 😀



What to say about that. Its fun 🙂 . Humor adds spice to life. If you dont smile you miss something. A long old say that holds true forever.

“Smile is a small curve which makes everything straight”

Whether you are a boss or worker, common man or big businessman, 18 or 80…

You all love that curve on face. Sometimes if you cant smile you like to see that smile on the faces of your loved ones. Spread the happiness and make this curve longer. The more you’ll share the more you’ll be happy.

Here is a part of sharing from me (Yeah I’m selfish too, to get more happiness) .

Enjoy and Think Nonsense…