What Does Your Instinct Say?

Whatever we do and whatever we don’t, It’s our decisions which paint the picture of our future. Decisions are often very difficult. There are times when you are unable to decide. There are times when you have to take a quick decision. No time to think and there is no situation like “unable to decide“. In such situation, humans have mysterious and spontaneous reactions to the situation. We call it our instinct. Someone inside you (Not in your clothes) guides you to mark a way ahead. Your role is to listen to this “Someone” inside.

Very often we listen to what others say. Parents excluded because hardly any child listen to their parents. If you do, then your parents are lucky. So the “others” include your friends mostly who themselves are in a situation where they cannot take any decision. But they influence you to take yours. The results of this…. No guessing needed.

Why don’t you listen to the inner self? The instincts which always guide you to a safe path for the journey. Take example of childrens. While studying, they know what they are capable of. But if the parents are Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers then often they want their childrens to be the same. They don’t give a chance to their child to express himself. You don’t listen to them, but you are forced to. As I said earlier we have instincts which guide us. We don’t need anyone else to decide about us. Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.

It’s your life, It’s your destiny and not theirs. This doesn’t mean that ignore everyone else and do whatever you want. Listen to them but don’t let your decision fluctuate as you get advice one after another. The final decision should be yours and it should be influenced by your instinct.

Remember, Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.

The Darkness In Between

Darkness is what many of us are afraid of. We are used to live in an environment full of brightness. That is the Sun. Almost 12 hours of the day are bright. The other hours are known as darkness. Because we are afraid to live in dark we have invented artificial lighting’s to brighten our lives. Due to this we can go all 24 hours in brightness.

The only time when we are with darkness is when we are in sleep. We are not working then. It’s the rest time. So in other words we are sleeping in darkness. Somewhere inside us there is a fear while we sleep. The cause is once again the darkness. Irrelevant of any other things that trouble your life, darkness is what you are afraid of most.

What is the main source of light? Sun in our case. It is a star of course. (Well I am not teaching you Physics or part of Geography. I am not good at teaching someone.) In 12 hours of our life we see one star that lightens up the world. Actually we cannot look at that star with naked eye. It is too bright and our eyes cannot handle it.

Now when it is dark, There is no Sun. Go to your terrace or get out of the house and look up in the sky. What you see? Stars. Many of them. Zillions of them. What we miss is this. We like the light, the bright side which is when we are unable to see the one star above us and we don’t like darkness, which shows us many stars at once.

Our life is brightened up with moments of success, joy, happiness and it darkens up when we fail or when we are sad. But actually we are missing a lot of opportunities that we cannot see while there is light. We cannot see the stars we can reach to. The unnecessary fear of dark entities make us fallback. Instead of watching the stars in the darkness we close our eyes and wait till it’s bright. We don’t even bother to think of question like “What if we open our eyes in darkness?” We hibernate and when we are out of hibernation we found ourselves weaker than what we were.

Don’t fear of dark. Face it. The next time you are in dark just remember “When it’s dark enough you can see the stars.”

Till it’s dark…
Think Nonsense…


Dreams…The phenomena of dreams is still unknown. Scientists after a long research found out that dreams are images of what we do in our daytime. All the incidences come together and form a dream. Most predominant event happened in the day is the focus of the dream. It also includes what we see,what we hear. But I don’t go with this result. Dream phenomena is a mystery and maybe it will be a mystery. If you don’t agree with me then just try to recall your dreams.

How many of your dreams were related your life?? The things that happen to you in real life. Do you see them in your dreams?? It may be sometimes that the real event becomes a part of your dream. But not always. Where does these other things come from? These are just your imaginations. Some part of your brain gives them a place in your dreams. Now you know that you cannot dream without a brain. You have a brain that actually generates dreams for you. It is not necessary that the brain should be fully functional. It may be a useless part. But still dreams come out of it.

I do dream. Many times these dreams form a perfect environment for my sleep. Whenever I get dreams it is usually followed by a good sound sleep. I feel refreshed the next day. that is why I love it when I get dreams. You can also try it yourself. If you are insomniac then this may prove to be a cure for you. I cannot guarantee you though.

I feel that dreams act as a barrier between your real life and the life you want. So when you see the life you want you’ll be happy and relaxed. That will in return gift you a nice sleep. This is my simple theory based on my experience. I used to be an insomniac. But these dreams and my new job helped me to get through this. There is a variety of dreams that you see. I’ll talk about that in my next post in this series.

Think Nonsense…

Don’t forget to live


There is a long time period between the moment we are born and the moment we die. That time period we call as life. We have to live that. Don’t waste this valuable time in things you are not supposed to do. Neither waste your time doing nothing. At some stage you will face the situation stated in above picture. Don’t ever let that happen to you.

When we are kids, we don’t know life. We live it without any restrictions. The way we want. We laugh many times. No one have to tell us to enjoy the life. As we grow up, we stop living life under the burden of expectation and responsibilities. They do have priorities. But Never let them surpass your living.

Sing – Even if your voice is as bad a crow.(I am with you :biggrin: )
Dance – Like no one is watching you and Even if your dancing makes someone forget theirs.
Laugh – Even if people call you mad. Only make sure you are not sent to asylum.

Live your Life and…

Think Nonsense…