Posting for myself

I’m a selfish person. I’ve may have told this before. For those who don’t know be aware of this fact now. The reason for this to write is again the blog. Almost from day one on linkreferral I’m getting reviews that my postings are funny. They contain humor and hence they liked it. Some exceptions actually found the thoughts(??????????????????????????) behind this humor. But most of them rated high for the humor.

Now the fact is that I’m not writing for all my readers. Sorry to say that. But that’s the fact. I write what I want to. I write what I liked to read and liked to comment on. So the writings may not be funny always. Don’t expect me to write funny posts always(Yeah… Yeah… Running away from expectations). As you can see the 7000+ hits mark passed I get decent amount of traffic.

The thing I’m worried is that my blog may be getting into a mould. A mould where only funny things are written and you expect such things every time you visit. You haven’t got a decent laugh of smile throughout the day and expect that this blog will make you. Yeah I would love to do that. I will surely post nonsense. The only thing I want from you is that don’t consider this as a full fledged humor blog. Continue reading →


The day I started this blog again and put content, I wanted more and more visitors on my blog. My earlier blog theme had google adsense so that I can make some revenue. But in this theme I removed all that and it’s clean again. I tried many tips and SEO stuff so that my blog gets good hits. As you can see I got 4200+ by all the efforts.

Since I’m active in many forums and blogs, I edited my profiles and signatures so that I get some hits. It worked and I got a good start. With the help of counter I came to know that many even bookmarked my blog. It’s really good to know that people like my nonsense. And most of the hits come now from bookmarks. It’s soothing but I want more and more new visitors.

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