Evolution and Other Tails


Was it the God or was it the Evolution that took away the tail? If you believe in God, then it is God. Otherwise it’s Charles Darwin. This guy blamed everything on evolution. Surprisingly, much of the world agrees with the theory of evolution. I am skeptical about the theory. Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn’t. 

Lately, I have stopped believing that Man evolved from apes. I don’t think it’s evolutionary process. I am no scientist and hence I may not be true and may not be able to give proper explanation. But think about it. If Man evolved from apes then why all apes haven’t evolved? Or why aren’t they evolving? They should have evolved to make houses or weapons at least. But they still fight with bare hands. I don’t think they would evolve to dress. I mean, Being naked is very comfortable. Why to lose the comfort? Also, it would be difficult to accommodate the tail. 

After watching Rise of Planet of the Apes and Dawn of Planet of the apes (This one is gem of a movie), Things makes much more sense. It was a virus. We were infected by a virus which made us what we are. That virus enhanced our brain, Weakened our body and took our tail. That virus also injected feelings which are useless chemical reactions and they are the by-product of the evolution. 

Let’s keep emotions aside. Think about the tails. What I would have done with my tail? 
1) I would have used it to nudge 
2) I would have invented new dance moves involving my tail
3) I would have designed my own app named “Tell a tail” 
4) I would have used it to kill mosquitoes, flies and boredom
5) As a whip to be used on pets etc. etc.. 
6) I would have deleted the word tailender.

This is a short list. Let’s limit it to this as some of the rest are naughty ones. 

What would you have done with your tail? 

Think about it.. 
Till then… 
Think Nonsense… 

The Monkey Menace

Monkey and menace are synonymous words. I don’t have any doubt’s regarding this. One of the quickest animal on trees. Yesterday i saw a whole bunch of them. I work on a site which is located almost in the center of the city. In spite of that there are many trees along with the houses. The animal habitat is frequently being captured by humans. We are trespassing their areas and destroying them for our own needs. I see many boards which say “Trespassers will be executed”. Sadly animals don’t know to write. So they cannot make such boards.

The Monkey Menace

Now they are forced to move towards the cities and villages for the food. This is a big issue. Let’s  keep it aside for this post. Getting back to the topic, In search of food monkeys come almost at the doorstep. Some of them jumped over the slab under which I was standing. They don’t seem to have any specific food to eat. They were eating leaves of trees which are tasteless. I know this because I tried eating those leaves. What if in case I have to survive on these? I did this to answer the question. Continue reading →


Mango….The king of fruits. I just love mangoes. And there is no limit to eating it. Actually I love to eat seasonal fruits. Like these mangoes which grow up in summer. But this summer is a bit different. Oh I must say now this summer was a bit different. It’s raining heavily here. Every summer we used to get mangoes at a decent price. But before that uncle used to send us and they used to be whole lot of them. But this year somehow the fruit is prolonged. The fruits are there but are not ripe. They are there for about two months. Just last week onwards they started ripening.

I missed this fruit for whole season. Last week when I went to uncles house me together with my brother picked up fruits from the tree. The Monkey in me is always awake. Climbing the tree was not a big task. I picked almost 250-300 mangoes. I actually went to eat one beautiful jungle fruit. I don’t know what is that called in english, But it tastes great. And again I was unfortunate there that fruit was hardly seen this year. Continue reading →

A Short Story About Man..

On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, “Today I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will work all day under the sun! I will give you a life span of 50 years.”

The cow objected, “What? This kind of a tough life you want me to live for 50 years? Let me have 20 years, and the 30 years I’ll give back to you.” So God agreed.

On the second day, God created the dog. God said to the dog, “You are supposed to do is to sit all day by the door of your house. Any people that come in, you will have to bark at them! I’ll give a life span of 20 years.” Continue reading →