Something stupid title. I was watching some random channel. I do this when I’ve nothing to do. And I changed to another random channel and this story came up. Anything that involves sex and girls we always take a special interest. Atleast I do. My ears touched the TV speakers and eyes wide open for this news. I was shocked…
17 girls from a school in Gloucester (It’s difficult to remember and pronounce), pledged together to become pregnant. And they did what they said. Woman of words… Truly they did what they said. All the girls were minor and under 16 years of age. The question arises who got the idea and why they wanted to be pregnant??? I couldn’t find answer to this.
Recently in December a film named Juno was released which had some similar issue. I’ve watched the film. Film was not bad. But is this the impact of the film?? Remember the old times, We used to copy our elders or someone on TV. These girls may have become fans of Ellen. And tried to imitate what she did. Thats terrible. Continue reading →