
Dreams…The phenomena of dreams is still unknown. Scientists after a long research found out that dreams are images of what we do in our daytime. All the incidences come together and form a dream. Most predominant event happened in the day is the focus of the dream. It also includes what we see,what we hear. But I don’t go with this result. Dream phenomena is a mystery and maybe it will be a mystery. If you don’t agree with me then just try to recall your dreams.

How many of your dreams were related your life?? The things that happen to you in real life. Do you see them in your dreams?? It may be sometimes that the real event becomes a part of your dream. But not always. Where does these other things come from? These are just your imaginations. Some part of your brain gives them a place in your dreams. Now you know that you cannot dream without a brain. You have a brain that actually generates dreams for you. It is not necessary that the brain should be fully functional. It may be a useless part. But still dreams come out of it.

I do dream. Many times these dreams form a perfect environment for my sleep. Whenever I get dreams it is usually followed by a good sound sleep. I feel refreshed the next day. that is why I love it when I get dreams. You can also try it yourself. If you are insomniac then this may prove to be a cure for you. I cannot guarantee you though.

I feel that dreams act as a barrier between your real life and the life you want. So when you see the life you want you’ll be happy and relaxed. That will in return gift you a nice sleep. This is my simple theory based on my experience. I used to be an insomniac. But these dreams and my new job helped me to get through this. There is a variety of dreams that you see. I’ll talk about that in my next post in this series.

Think Nonsense…

I am tired of being tired

Tired cat

An empty chair to seat
for my legs to get some rest
and my bumps to have some stress
Pain in body is relieved
but not vanished

Standing up relieves my bumps
And puts stress on my legs
I feel the pain
It gets worse
What is happening to me?

Pile of files in front of me
I am trying to focus
Cool breeze kisses me
My eyes are closing now
What was there in that breeze?

Out there under the sun
He is trying to suck me
Like orange juice
For me, water is not enough
Nothing is enough
Thirst is never satisfied

My bed is not my friend
Not anymore
Laying on bed hurts
All the pain at same time
Then my eyes get closed
It doesn’t take long

The symptoms are repeated
They seem to be perpetual
once again the same question
What is happening to me?
I am tired
I am tired of being tired

The Price of Happyness – One Mirchi Pav

This question often stands in front of me. He looks at me. I look at him. He laughs and goes away only to come back again and repeat the process. This question is What is the price of Happyness? This is not a businessman asking the question. It’s common man(with uncommon thinking) for whom money is last priority. Evey time I think I found answer it proves to be wrong. It’s something different.

That was just another day. I was waiting for bus. Of course at bus stop. With earphones plugged into my ear, I was listening to some love song(Love was in the air). At that very moment I heard someone crying. She was a cute little girl crying for god only knows reason. She was disturbing me. Not for what I was listening to but I could not see her crying. Her mother(I guess) was trying to make her quiet. Failure. I started checking my pockets. Usually I keep a toffee as a sleep killer. I found two of them. I gave those toffees to that little girl. Silence… She looked at me.. Silence continues..And she smiles. Her mother also smiled. And deep within I had a great feeling of making someone laugh. So the price of  Happyness is just two toffees?

Then a couple of days back this happened. There was concrete for slab. This usually lasts long. No time limits. There are labors who work all day to get things done. They don’t have good clothes. Always smell bad. No good place to sleep. They eat a lot in spite of all these. It was 7pm and nothing stopping concrete. A small break for labors. One guy from contractors side brings them Mirchi-Pav. Mirchi is chillies cooked in gram-flour and Pav is bread. All rush towards this guy. You should  see them smiling, laughing, cheering. Nothing like that. So the price of  Happyness is just a Mirchi-Pav?

There is not a single person in this world who knows the price of Happyness. Well, I don’t know all the peoples in this world :wub: . But it’s a guess which is sure to work. Above incidents always try to tell me that Happyness doesn’t cost much but the moment you are happy is Priceless. The next time when this question comes to me I’ll answer him..You are just another variable entity.

Till you find Happyness in Mirchi-Pav…

Think Nonsense…

P.S:- Happyness is not mispelled.

One day with headache

I am not talking about my boss of work. I am not talking about my team leader(Wait.. there is no team leader). I am not talking about my girlfriend(It’s different from girl-friend. The hyphen clearly marks the difference. What’s more!!! I don’t have one). I am not talking about the beggar who bugs you every time when you are at the bus stop. I am talking about the headache. The one which gives pain in your head.

Yesterday I got a headache. I was on site and suddenly it started. I wasn’t able to have my complete lunch. Even the 2 liters of water. I took rest in my site office and decided to go half day. Well it wasn’t there for me. Some clients were to come on site and hence I had to be there on site. Then in the evening there was unnecessary dispute of the labor contractor and the boss of my work. My headache increased.

It almost happens every time that when I want to leave early, something happens and I have to stay late. I was there on site till 6:45pm. I asked the labor contractor to drop me at bus stop. I was hoping for a seat to sleep. Nope. At least I got a place to stand. I tried to sleep while standing. It’s a very difficult task to do. I wonder how horses manage that.

I came home. Refreshed myself and straight to bed. No dinner, No mails, No talking. Today when I woke up I decided to take a day off. Feeling good now. I’ll take rest for some more time and will try to complete pending work online. There is a lot of it. Only thing I wish is that this headache shouldn’t come again today and ruin things.

Think Nonsense…

Refreshing Sunday

Alas… It’s Sunday again. It is a day we all wait for. Especially the working people. For past few Sundays it has been pretty troublesome and I was unable to get some refreshment. Today it looks to be a perfect Sunday. I wanted a good sleep, so I slept early yesterday. Early for me is 11.30pm. My nose was running and thought better to sleep early.

I don’t know why this happens, but I happen to wake up early on Sundays. For last few weeks. That is because of the exercise I have started. Today I gave a break, ignored, and slept only to be waked up by my friends call. Woww!!! Perfect way to wake me up. Why I don’t switch of my phone? It is fun to wake someone when he is having good sleep. I do such crime many time. Now I get it in return. It is said that you pay for all your sins here and in this life only.

Sleeping Cat on Sunday

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