Principles change as the time. Why not? You need to cope up with the new world which defines things in different way than what they used to be. Over the time work is where there have been dramatic changes. What you do, doesn’t matter. What you don’t do, doesn’t matter. What matters is that whatever you do or don’t do should result in success.
We have now got the habit, a very bad habit. This habit is not being used to success, but running after success. We try everything possible and impossible to get closer to success. We forget our principles, instead we change them. The path chosen for the success not necessarily are right paths. We go through the wrong path, get lost in between and then dig a path which lead to right one. It’s like we know the right path but we choose the wrong path in order to taste early success.
While doing all this one thing we forget is the source of success. What is the source of success? Was there a single moment in your life when you asked this question to yourself? I bet that moment doesn’t exist. Fortunately or unfortunately the source of success is known to everyone. We don’t see it. A blanket of nothing covers that source. That source is Happyness.
Happyness is the source of success. When we are happy, there is nothing for us to worry about. Whatever we do at that time works out excellent. Our mind loves happyness and it acts as oxygen to our creativity. When we know the source of anything, we see a definite path towards the source. There is no need to search and go the wrong way.
So don’t worry. Be happy and see yourself closing towards success….
Till you get happy…
Think Nonsense..