A Reason To Rejoice

A busy day at your working place. You get out of that place for your way to home. Open the gate and then the door to enter your house. You are tired from today’s work and want some rest, to start your day again the same way tomorrow. Before you do that you get a surprise visit from your friend and he invites you for a party.

Forgetting that you are tired, you go with your friend. Suddenly you realize you forgot to close the gate and door when you entered the house. You opened the gates for rejoicing. You then have a great time with your friends. You dance, cheer, sing, laugh. You turn into joyful person.

When you return home from party you realize what you were missing. These things were in your To-do list. Time for these things never arrived. They were always for Tomorrow. They were never listed for Today. Trying to find out the reason, Angel of sleep take you with him in his kingdom.

The next morning, while having your breakfast, your eyes go on the newspaper. The headline is about some terrorist attack. Below it is a news about an accident. Then there is news about murder. Same news looks a bit different to you now. “What if?” is the question that whirls in your mind. What if something happens to me today? What if I die today? I’ll never be able to see tomorrow. My plans for tomorrow are not valid and they will never be. I cannot assume. I may not get tomorrow.

So why not start rejoicing today? Do the things you liked yesterday night. Dance, cheer, sing, laugh. They will make you happy. They will make you happy today. Tomorrow a war may start, An explosion may destroy everything. That is because hatred and terror is spread all over the world. Terror is global. If terror is global then why not laughter? Why not happiness?

Start doing all joyful things today. Involve some more people around you into this. Let this thing spread. If there is happiness and love everywhere then there is no place for hatred. Even if everything gets destroyed and you die, You die rejoicing. In India we say that souls are immortal. When you die happy you are happy forever. So spread the word.
Give a reason to rejoice…
Be a reason to rejoice…

P.S:- Please close the doors and gates of your house else you may loose some wealth. It is not necessary that you’ll always get your friends visit when you keep them open.

How to write a post using comments by someone

To keep yourselves always more and more active.. Follow these suggestions,

1. Try to love your atmosphere.
2. Give your full effort in your daily work.
3. Try some sports or games per week.
4. Love and understand yourselves first.
5. Finally, if you have partner then lover as much as possible.
6. Daily keep on listening to the music that you love a lot.
7. Love your work….

After all these things, you will definitely feel the difference.

This is a comment left by my friend in here. So I just thought to make the tips more exposed to public. Assuming you have read my last two posts, I don’t need to tell you how tired I was. Thank god to the strike in my state that just gave me a day off. There was no transport and hence no going to work. God always looks after his childrens. 🙂

I would like to thank shiva for the comment above. But physical pain is not cured by above suggestions. I do all the above except 3rd and 5th one. I am happy with my job with some troubles here and there. C’mon those are usual ones. Everyone do have some or the other problems with their job.

I am trying to find way to keep my body fit. Just started paying attention in this matter. I hope that I’ll prepare my body fit enough for this job. There will some more days like this in coming  days. Not to worry about that. I haven’t seen tomorrow yet.